WhatsApp cookies: Personalize campaigns without cookies

By Typie

WhatsApp marketing assistant

Third-party cookies end in 2024. Smart marketers are using this as an opportunity rather than a blocker: to gather first-party data and be more personalized than ever. Here's how with WhatsApp.

Third-party cookies end in 2024. Smart marketers are using this as an opportunity rather than a blocker: to gather first-party data and be more personalized than ever. Here's how with WhatsApp.


The impending phase-out of third-party cookies from browsers is causing much talk in the marketing world.

How can you track customers? How can you gather information? How can you target ads?

The problem is, third-party cookies have made marketers overly reliant on browsers – who own and use the data.

This can actually be seen as an opportunity to get more control over your data. 


Why brands are turning to first-party data strategies 

This shift away from cookies has driven a renewed focus on first-party data strategies and mobile marketing channels like WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is proving to be a popular place for marketers and brands to go to to gather valuable first-party data, boost personalization and even bring in existing proprietary data from other platforms like Emarsys, Klaviyo and Zendesk.

This article explores the issues marketers face in a cookieless world, why mobile marketing is a viable solution, and how the charles WhatsApp marketing platform can help brands thrive.


Why are cookies being phased out?

Cookies, particularly third-party cookies, are being phased out due to growing concerns over privacy and data security.


1. Global privacy concerns

  • User tracking: Third-party cookies track users across multiple websites, creating detailed profiles of their online behavior. This tracking often occurs without the user's explicit consent, leading to significant privacy concerns.
  • Data misuse: There have been numerous instances where user data collected via cookies has been misused or mishandled. This misuse can result in privacy breaches and unauthorized sharing of personal information.


2. To comply better with regulations

  • GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union has strict guidelines on data collection and user consent. Third-party cookies often do not comply with these regulations, as they collect data without clear user consent.
  • CCPA: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US also imposes restrictions on how companies collect and use consumer data. This law further pressures companies like Google to move away from third-party cookies.

3. Browsers themselves are removing cookies

  • Google Chrome: Google announced plans to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2024. Chrome is the most widely used browser in the world and its removal of cookies will have the biggest impact on marketers.
  • Safari and Firefox: Safari and Firefox have already implemented measures to block third-party cookies by default. These browsers are prioritizing user privacy by limiting the ability of third parties to track users across the web.


4. First-party data is more powerful

  • Direct relationships: Companies are encouraged to build direct relationships with their users. First-party data, collected directly from users with their consent, is more transparent and trustworthy. WhatsApp is proving to be a key tool in collective first-party data in an ethical way.
  • Transparency and trust: Relying on first-party data enhances transparency and helps build trust between businesses and their customers. Users are more likely to share their information if they understand how it will be used and feel secure about their privacy.


5. Consumers are tired of cookies

  • User awareness: Consumers are more savvy than ever. They're more aware of the reasons companies use cookies and are demanding better control over their data. They prefer interacting with websites and services that prioritize privacy and are transparent about data usage.


The challenges of a cookieless world

The removal of third-party cookies by major browsers like Google's Chrome follows similar moves by Safari and Firefox.

This transition poses several challenges to marketers:

  1. Reduced ability to track: Without third-party cookies, tracking user behavior across different sites becomes difficult, hindering the ability to create detailed user profiles.
  2. Harder to personalize ads: The loss of cookies affects personalized advertising, making it harder to target ads based on past behavior.
  3. Difficult to attribute campaigns: Tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns across multiple touchpoints becomes less accurate, complicating attribution models.
  4. Increased dependency on first-party data: Without third-party data, brands must now rely more on data collected directly from their interactions with users. WhatsApp is proving to be the ideal solution, as we discuss below.


Why brands are turning to mobile marketing

Through messaging apps, brands can enjoy direct, personal conversations with consumers and learn about them in return. 

This is how brands collect first-party data and then use it to personalize campaigns in a very granular way.

WhatsApp, with its extensive reach and user engagement, is a key platform in this strategy – especially since WhatsApp Business was launched in 2018.




Using WhatsApp as a replacement for cookies

WhatsApp in particular offers a unique opportunity for brands to collect customer data and deliver personalized campaigns through mobile.

In Europe, WhatsApp penetration rates are very high, making WhatsApp communications an excellent opportunity for businesses. You can see in the table below that the US is still lagging but, with growing privacy concerns, this is changing. This makes North America a ripe opportunity for brands – especially European ones with a US presence. 










WhatsApp penetration 95.5% 71.3% 97% 92.2% 97.1% 98.9% 41.2%

Source: Statista


How to run personalized campaigns with WhatsApp in a cookieless world

Here are the 2 steps to using WhatsApp for better targeting in a world without cookies:


1. Collect first-party data with WhatsApp

WhatsApp allows brands to collect valuable first-party data directly from user interactions. This helps combat the reliance on third-party data, which will soon be disappearing.

By encouraging users to opt-in for updates and promotions, brands can gather information such as preferences, purchase history and feedback.



WhatsApp ask interests opt-in flow Jack Wolfskin charlesJack Wolfskin uses its opt-in flow to find out what sports customers are interested in – to help segment clothing campaigns in future, ensuring high relevance, performance and retention


2. Personalized WhatsApp campaigns

With insights from collected data, brands can create highly targeted and personalized marketing messages.

This personalization can drive higher engagement rates and improve customer loyalty.

Use Klaviyo segments in charlesThe more you know about customers, the more relevant the WhatsApp campaigns you can send – which customers appreciate 


Automating WhatsApp marketing with charles

The charles platform simplifies the process of using WhatsApp for marketing by offering advanced automation and analytics tools.

Here’s how charles can help:

  1. Seamless integration: charles integrates with existing CRM and eCommerce systems, ensuring a smooth flow of data and consistent customer experiences.
  2. Automated campaigns: The platform allows via charles' Journeys feature brands to set up automated marketing campaigns based on triggers such as user behavior, purchase history, and engagement levels.
  3. Analytics and insights: charles provides detailed analytics to track the performance of WhatsApp campaigns, offering insights into metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  4. Personalized messaging: The platform supports the creation of personalized messages, enabling brands to tailor their communications to individual user preferences and behaviors.


This is how you automate using charles Journeys


Why choose charles for a WhatsApp first-party data strategy?

When venturing into a cookieless world with WhatsApp, you'll want to take the right first steps. This would be with charles as your trusted WhatsApp partner. Here's why:

  1. Revenue-first approach: charles focuses on maximizing revenue through effective WhatsApp marketing strategies. The platform’s features are designed to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.
  2. Expert support: charles now has over 5 years experience in WhatsApp marketing. We offers industry-leading support from a team of experts who provide best practices, insights, and strategies to maximize the profitability of WhatsApp marketing.
  3. Ease of use: The user-friendly interface of the charles platform makes it easy for brands to set up and manage their WhatsApp marketing campaigns without extensive technical knowledge.


To sum up: WhatsApp provides first-party data when third-party data disappears

In a cookieless world, WhatsApp marketing offers a powerful alternative for brands looking to engage with customers and gather first-party data.

With the charles platform, brands can automate their WhatsApp marketing efforts, delivering personalized and effective campaigns that drive revenue and enhance customer loyalty.

As European brands continues to evolve, charles stands out as the ideal partner to help brands navigate this new landscape and succeed in their marketing endeavors.


Want to talk about how to use WhatsApp for better personalization and first-party data?

Just ask. Fill out the form and we'll be in touch very soon and can work out a plan to build your WhatsApp customer and sync with your CRM and service platforms.


Book a demo now with charles-1



Disclaimer: the information in this article is based on our experience and expertise and is not offered as legal or data privacy advice. For full information on your legal obligations under GDPR, please go to the European Commission's official GDPR site.

FAQs about WhatsApp cookies

What challenges do marketers face in a cookieless world?

The primary challenges for marketers include reduced tracking capabilities, hindered personalization, measurement and attribution issues, and increased dependency on first-party data. Without third-party cookies, tracking user behavior across different sites becomes difficult, making it harder to target ads and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns accurately.


Why is mobile marketing becoming more important as third-party cookies are phased out?

Mobile marketing provides a direct and personal channel to engage with users, allowing brands to collect valuable first-party data and maintain personalized communication. With the extensive use of mobile devices, platforms like WhatsApp offer a unique opportunity to interact with customers more effectively.


How can brands use WhatsApp to gather customer data?

Brands can use WhatsApp to collect first-party data by encouraging users to opt-in for updates and promotions. This allows brands to gather information such as user preferences, purchase history, and feedback through direct interactions and conversations.

What types of personalized campaigns can be run on WhatsApp?

Personalized campaigns on WhatsApp can include targeted promotions, exclusive offers, product recommendations, seasonal greetings, and interactive campaigns such as quizzes or surveys. These campaigns are tailored based on the data collected from user interactions.

What features does the charles platform offer for WhatsApp marketing?

The charles platform offers seamless integration with CRM and service systems, automated WhatsApp campaigns and flows, detailed analytics, and personalized messaging capabilities. It helps brands to streamline their WhatsApp marketing efforts and maximize revenue through effective customer engagement.

How does charles ensure the effectiveness of WhatsApp marketing campaigns?

charles provides advanced analytics to track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. The platform's automation tools allow for precise targeting and timely delivery of personalized messages, enhancing the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Why should brands choose charles for their WhatsApp marketing needs?

charles is focused on maximizing revenue through WhatsApp marketing. The platform is user-friendly and offers expert support, ensuring that brands can implement best practices and strategies effectively. Additionally, charles provides comprehensive analytics and automation features, making it the ideal choice for businesses aiming to succeed in a cookieless world.

Why are cookies being phased out?

Cookies, particularly third-party cookies, are being phased out due to increasing privacy concerns, regulatory pressures, and the demand for more transparent data practices. Browsers like Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox are implementing stricter privacy measures to protect user data from being tracked across multiple websites without consent. This shift is driven by regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, which mandate higher standards for user consent and data protection. As a result, the industry is moving towards first-party data strategies that prioritize user privacy and foster direct, trust-based relationships between businesses and consumers. WhatsApp is a powerful solution for gathering first-party data.