General disclaimer
While all content on this website including our CCom blog is created with greatest care, Charles does not warrant, represent or otherwise assume any legal liability, express or implied, for its correctness, completeness, accuracy or fitness for any specific purpose. We shall thus not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages or other potential detrimental effects resulting from the use, or inability to use, of the information on our website or any information provided through linked websites or other third-party content. This also applies to any legal opinion or statement given on this website. Furthermore, we do not guarantee to update this website on a regular basis which may mean that information or materials contained may be out of date or include omissions or errors. Pursuant to Sec. 7 (1) German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz or TMG) Charles as a service provider is responsible for contents on this website in accordance with applicable laws. However, pursuant to Sec. 8 to 10 TMG, Charles is not legally required to monitor any transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate any potential unlawful content. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with applicable laws remain unaffected. However, liability in this respect may only be assumed once Charles becomes aware of any specific violation of laws. As soon as Charles becomes aware of any such violation, the respective information will be removed without undue delay.
No liability for links to third-party content
This website may contain links to websites or platforms owned and/or operated by third parties. Access to any other website or platform is at your own risk and will result in you leaving the Charles website. We cannot assume guarantees, assurances or other liability regarding the correctness, completeness and/or legal conformity of this external content nor for any damages or detrimental effect caused by the use of this external content for which the respective owner or operator is responsible. We have carefully checked the linked contents on external websites and platforms for their legal conformity. However, subsequent changes to this external content are not checked on an ongoing basis. Thus, we cannot exclude that a certain link may connect you to a third party's website or platform expressing views contrary to those expressed on our website. Charles will remove links to websites or platforms with any unlawful content without undue delay upon becoming aware of any violation of law. Please reach out to us directly if you become aware of any such violation.
Copyright notice
All contents of this website including our newsletter and CCom blog are protected by copyright, unless otherwise indicated, and may not be distributed, modified, copied or otherwise used as a whole or in part without prior written consent of Charles except use for your own personal, solely informative and non-commercial purposes. In particular, any images, videos or graphics and designs including our custom-build fonts and icons (jointly “Media Content”) integrated into this website may not be used without the prior written consent of Charles. Nothing contained on this website shall be construed as conferring by implication or otherwise, any license or right under any patent, trademark, registered or unregistered design right or copyright or any other intellectual property rights owned by Charles. Media Content contained on this website may also be partially subject to copyrights of third parties. Insofar as the content on this website was not created by Charles, copyrights of third parties are respected which means that any contents of third parties are marked as such. However, should you become aware of any copyright infringement, we kindly ask for a notice with appropriate reference. As soon as we become aware of any copyright violations, we will remove any such content without undue delay.
Responsibility for the CCom Blog
On our CCom blog we offer insights into the CCom industry and share our opinions on related events and developments in the market. The person responsible for our CCom blog pursuant to Sec. 18 (2) German State Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag or MstV) is Etienne Kiefer, Gartenstraße 86-87, 10115 Berlin,
Changes and updates to this website
Charles may change the content provided on this website at any time without further notice and does not take liability for potential detrimental effects of any such changes. Charles is also entitled to suspend, interrupt or adjust the operation of this website and any other related offering on it in whole or in part without prior notice.
Scope of this legal notice
For the avoidance of doubt, this legal notice applies to all websites of Charles, in particular the above-mentioned website as well as the CCom blog, the Charles web-based conversational commerce platform and any retail websites operated by Charles. With respect to the Charles conversational commerce platform and in relation to our customers, however, the agreed terms of use, service level agreements and commercial terms remain unaffected.